Cluster 3:

Civil Security for Society

Today's security threats are evolving rapidly. They are complex and very often take place across national boundaries. The COVID19 pandemic, climate change and geopolitical tensions remind us every day how fragile society is and how important it is, therefore, to do all we can to ensure a free, peaceful, safe and resilient society

The EU supports research and innovation research that are crucial for developing capabilities to address today's security challenges and anticipating tomorrow's threats. Through six destinations, the EU wants to work towards the implementation of security-related priorities, including cybersecurity, disaster risk reduction and resilience. Also, the development of new knowledge, technologies and/or other solutions are stimulated. The six destinations are:


  1. Better protect the EU and its citizens against crime and terrorism, including organized crime and cybersecurity - aims to bring improved prevention, investigation and mitigation of impacts of crime, including of new/emerging criminal modi operandi (such as those exploiting digitisation and other technologies). 
  2. Effective management of EU external borders, including customer security and maritime security – to ensure strong European land, air and sea external borders.
  3. Resilient infrastructure – with specific reference to growing interconnectivity as well as emerging and complex threats such as technological trends like the use of Artificial Intelligence and the rapid development of sophisticated unmanned vehicles, the impact of natural and man-made disasters, as well as major crisis scenarios like the COVID-19 pandemic and unexpected events.
  4. Increased cybersecurity, including security of network and information systems and certification - topics under this destination should contribute to build resilience to cyber-attacks and create effective cyber deterrence, while making sure that data protection and freedom of citizens are strengthened.
  5. A disaster-resilient society for Europe, including against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents; climate-related risks and extreme events, geological disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and pandemics – for a better understanding and to improve knowledge and situational awareness of disaster related risks by citizens, empowered to act, thus raising the resilience of European society.
  6. Strengthened Security Research and Innovation (SSRI), which includes cross-cutting R&I actions that will support the other destinations – to meet the need to create a favourable environment that is designed with the main purpose of increasing the impact of security R&I, that is visible and recognizable to those interested in contributing to this aim, and which provides bespoke tools that serve to tackle the factors that hinder innovation uptake.  

Cluster 3: Civil Security for Society

Cluster 4: Digital, Industry & Space

Cluster 5: Climate, Energy & Mobility

Cluster 6: Food & Environment 


Cluster 3

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