Checklist Road to Impact

Follow the checklist below to make sure you don’t miss anything.

Have you:

 considered the KSOs related to the topic?

 considered the impact areas related to the topic?

 considered the expected impacts from the Strategic Plan related to the topic?

 considered the expected impact from the topic’s destination?

 identified the relevant Key Impact Pathways for the project?

 provided credible, measurable, and achievable result indicators for each identified KIP?

 provided credible, measurable, and achievable outcomes indicators related to the results for each identified KIP?

 provided credible, measurable, and achievable impacts indicators related to the outcomes for each identified KIP?

 indicated the project contributions towards related KSOs?

 indicated the project contributions towards the related topic’s destination impacts?

 indicated the project contributions towards the related Strategic Plan impacts?

 considered and indicated any other potential impact that the project will produce, such as related partnerships, United Nations SDG’s, etc.?

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Checklist Route to Impact

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